> Current Employees


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DataStaff’s Dedication to Communication regarding COVID-19

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With the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus and continuously changing information, DSI will provide up to date communication to you upon receipt from the proper local, state, and federal agencies.


DSI’s operations are continually evolving as we work to protect our employees across the United States, as well as providing critical resources for our clients and programs. Our top priority is to ensure the health and safety of our employees, consultants, and clients. We ask our employees and teams across the United States to remain in constant communication, as well as maintaining business operations to the extent possible and utilizing the ability to work remotely when available. In partnerships with our clients, we are instructing our external employees to please follow the proper channels and protocols that clients have adopted at their worksite locations.


DSI encourages you to please stay informed and keep up to date on the latest guidance from trusted resources such as:



DSI recently had to adapt and change how we currently work; however, nothing has changed in our availability to provide both our employees, consultants, and clients the partnership they deserve and guidance which includes.


  • Restricting or prohibiting all non-essential business travel, for its sales, recruiting, and corporate personnel;
  • Regularly reminding employees to follow best practices concerning health/personal hygiene (i.e., frequent hand-washing, social distancing, limiting touching of the face, proper coughing/sneezing etiquette, etc.),
  • Requiring employees that have traveled to high-risk areas, are sick or develop flu-like symptoms, had significant personal contact with someone or have been diagnosed themselves with COVID-19 to self-quarantine for the recommended 14 days; and
  • Encouraging/accommodating remote work opportunities for our employees wherever practicable, including implementing work from home protocols for our field offices and corporate personnel.


Please see the following for additional, as well as on-going points of contact. Even though our corporate office is working off-site, all members of the internal DSI Staff are always reachable via calling in to our main office number at 919-874-0009 as well as:



We are continually monitoring the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, and our thoughts are with everyone as we work through this. During this time of considerable uncertainty, our best defense is working TOGETHER as a team and for the good of us all.

Thank you and Stay Safe, Everyone,


Glynda Mealer
DataStaff, Inc. (DSI)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

© DataStaff Inc. 2018